Tuesday, December 02, 2014

How to build a personal library with rain and thunder for Brianna Clarke

Have you sheets and pillows, fairy lights, lamps, carpets or mattresses?
a fortress is a good way to start.

To make it more effective as a library, Add books!

If all has gone well and you have created your own library fortress of solitude, all you need is rain and the occasional thunder.


Monday, September 01, 2014

Well Owl Fiddlesketch has begun its concept idea for a web series.
The aim here is to make a simple series for just one season but first i must finalise the idea which at first i thought was going to be a simple idea but turns out it has taken a life if it's own and on a different direction than i had intended.
It's all good, i like this new direction, my only concern is that it will take much time away from getting started on filming it but i have a good friend helping me out, will check over the ideas for a solid script.
So happeh!

Also have another idea for a Dante-esque adventure in diorama form, since the story is all set out already i just need to get it together. silhouette-ish.
So Excitements!